Thursday 23 February 2017

The Evolution of Concrete

When we travel from places to places we often admire beautiful structures. We see great hotels, towers and monuments that are considered as a land mark of a country or city. When we talk about Rome what comes first in your mind, or Venice, Italy or Paris. We pictures beautiful cities, architectures, old and modern houses, places that we love to took pictures and buy postcards. But can you imagine how this huge buildings and structures built. Behind of the beautiful walls what makes it strong or what it is made of?  The answer is simple. The common ingredient of the recipe is concrete. Concrete is one of the most useful breakthroughs of man. It is used to build our houses, roads, bridges, the tall buildings that we see every day. As time passed by, concrete evolves in many forms. Year after year another type or kind of concrete has been introducing to the market. The kind of concrete depends on what purpose it will be used. There are many several kinds of concrete Brisbane, let me name some of its kind.

Normal Concrete
Usually normal concrete ingredients are aggregates, water and cement.  This is often called normal weight concrete or normal strength concrete. This is often using at common houses and perimeter fences.

High Strength Concrete
High strength concrete is made by lowering the water and cement ratio. The aggregates must be selected carefully, because weaker aggregates may not be strong enough to resist load. The water level is lower to 0.35.

High Performance Concrete
High performance concrete has many properties combined namely, high strength, high workability, high durability, ease of placement, density, permeability, toughness, long life in severe environments and others. The water level is lower to 0.25.

Air Entrained Concrete
This kind of concrete is vulnerable to freezing and thawing action. It is considered as the greatest achievements in the field of concrete technology. This is prepared by adding the air entraining gas admixture. Air entrained concrete can sustain 100 cycles of freezing and thawing while normal concrete can sustain only 4 to 5 cycles.

Light Weight Concrete
Light weight concrete uses lighter aggregates. This is use for parapet wall, road linings and others. This use normally use where extra load is not applied.

Self Compacting Concrete
Self compacting concrete is also called flowing concrete, sometimes self consolidated concrete. Vibrator is not required to this kind of concrete. It is also considered as high performance concrete because the mixture is also the same. Self compacting concrete is used in underground structures, deep wells or at the bottom of the sea because its location is unreachable by vibration.
The other kinds of concrete are Shotcrete, Pervious concrete, and Roller Compacted concrete. Roller compacted concrete is also called rollcrete. This kind of concrete is often use in concrete pavements and dams.

Some concrete is delivered by transit mixers. This is also called ready mix concrete. This is weigh batch at a centrally located site. This is delivered by truck mounted mixers straight to the construction sites. Ready mix concrete is sold by volume and express in cubic meters.

Next time you need concrete choose what kind of concrete you want to use. Maybe the one that you are building is the next attraction in your own place.