Sunday 30 June 2019

Spray Mixes Concrete – Highly Specialized Application

Like the rest of the concrete groups, spray mixes concrete is designed to be sprayed in one application to get that texture and knockdown finish one does not get any other way. What makes it special is that it is a special blend of high-strength cement, super fine aggregates, fibers, and user-friendly polymers for spraying tight and close finishes.

It is packaged in 50-lb bags with coverage of approximately 48 square feet at 1/8” thickness. The application is used in spray applications to pool decks and vertical stucco applications.

They are usually great for patios, sidewalks, pool decks and driveways. They are great for knockdown finishes, texturing retaining walls, basecoats for stenciling on concrete substrates, and basecoats for tape down on concrete substrates.

This concrete is conveyed through a hose via a concrete pump and pneumatically projected at high velocity onto a surface during construction. (The strength is from 25MPa to 50MPa with the aggregate size of 6mm and 10mm options.

The spray mixes concrete undergoes placement and compaction at the same time caused by the force used in project ting the materials from the nozzle. On the surface, it can be formed into any shape of surface including vertical and overhead.


The advantages one gets are mostly in the application process. The first is being able to have the placement from a concrete pump nozzle. As such, it can be formed into any shape. Besides the conventional reinforcement steel, an extra feature of adding fibers is additional options.

There is bank retention and underpinnings as well as using this as a decorative rockwork. The other applications are on zoo enclosures and just as many structural applications where access is an issue.

Sprayed concrete

 Mixes concrete are part of the sprayed concrete grouping in which the method of application is spraying the concrete material rather than the more conventional pouring and placing into formwork.
 (The common terms used are Gunite, Shot concrete, and Shotcrete.)

There are several applications for this method. Included are curved structures (including shell roofs and domes and tunnel linings) and the pre-formed structure like swimming pools and climbing walls.

Additionally, these would include underground construction, retailing walls and piled wall facings.  Sprayed concrete is also commonly utilized in providing fire protection to steelwork and in strengthening as well as repair works to present structures.

Application methods

There is the dry process and the wet process procedures which are typically installed by different specialist contractors. Both of these use high-velocity air to propel the material.

The dry process has a pre-determined dry mix of cement and aggregate. This is propelled through a spraying nozzle where a finely atomized spray of water is added to the stream of materials to hydrate the cement and becomes concrete.

The wet process sprayed concrete uses batched wet concrete pumped through a hose or pipe to a discharge nozzle where high pressure air propels the concrete into position. The spray mixes concrete is a wet process of the spray method of application of concrete and is a highly specialized type concrete application.

Saturday 22 June 2019

Concrete Suppliers – Stocking Up on Supplies

In effect, the concrete suppliers are usually the concrete mixers and delivery supply companies that deliver the mixed concrete to worksites and homes where they are needed. For the most part, these companies must have all the necessary ingredients in the making of ready mixed concrete

Sometimes, these concrete plants have their own networks of supply companies that provide the materials they need in making premixes, which can be on-demand. As soon as orders are negotiated and concluded with clients who want their premixed concrete order filled up, these plants and delivery company mobilized their supply networks for the materials they need.

Those with enough storage places will order the needed premix materials beforehand and store them in anticipation of orders later on.  

Cement types

Since this is the most important material ingredient of producing concrete, many mixing plants store most of the cement types that are needed by various clients for all their types of projects that calls for specific types.

There are five main types of common cement in use on the market, classified as Type 1 to type 5. For residential work, Type 1 is most ideal. Type 2 is used in moderate sulfate soil conditions, and Type 3 is used when freezing is a risk or working to speed up curing and setting.

Type 4 is for big and massive industrial placements while Type 5 is used in extreme sulfate conditions.

Plants are all ready in having these cement types on-demand as part of their permanent supply. .

All other ingredients

These mixing plants also are quite ready in storing all the other needed ingredients in the production of premix concrete.

These would include enough supply of binding materials like the cement and lime.  Next would be the fine aggregate materials like sand and other materials.

They usually also keep a large inventory of coarse aggregates like gravel, crushed stone and such other materials needed.  The admixtures are classified as optional ingredients, unless otherwise specifically demanded by the client.

Although “Portland Cement” is the most common materials used as a binder in the mixture, other binders like Lime used in common type of construction can work as a binder, too. It is strong and enough and is economical.

Common types

Around 90% of the cement sold in the U.S. is either Type 1 or Type 2. The standard Type 1 is good for almost all residential purposes except where soils and ground water contain sulfates that can attack concrete.

Type 2 is used on areas (mostly in the West) because it is sulfate resistant. In extreme cases, Type 5, the cement with the highest sulfate resistance is sometimes necessary where extreme sulfate conditions exist. Plants also keep this type in stock, especially inn areas where sulfate presence in the soil is noted.

Most ready mix plants don’t stock Type 4 cement and residential builders would probably not need it. This “low heat of hydration” cement is used for massive industrial placements like big dams, for instance, where the heat buildup in a large volume of concrete might create problems. Ready-mix plants are usually our concrete suppliers.

Premix Concrete – Construction Convenience

Concrete had been regarded by many architects and construction engineers as one of mankind’s most important inventions since civilization flourished. It is durable, recyclable, and energy efficient with no need for special maintenance. Today new developments have made its handling even better with today’s Brisbane premix concrete (also known as ready-mix).

The use of ready-to-use concrete material is driven by its many advantages over the others, and the many benefits it affords its users.


The premix is economical compared to the others. This is because they are sourced from local materials. Most worksites are within a few kilometers of a ready-mix plant. Also, it had been known to withstand extreme temperatures and degrees of humidity. As a result, it is best on long-term investments.

The mix is easy and safe to use. Lead time at construction sites are reduced as a result of the many new techniques of the ready mix. Moreover, workability is easier. It can be pumped over long distances, horizontally and vertically depending on its place of use.

Also, it can be “fluidized“(plasticized) to make it flow easily. On the other hand, it can also be sufficiently made compact, dense, and thick to protect areas completely that needs it (radioactive).  


Premix has several features that make it ideal for insulation and other safety requirements. First is its compressive strength (crush resistance) that can reach very high figures which allows people to build structures that are both slender and very strong.

 It is also known for its fire resistance capabilities. The material is naturally fire-resistant which slows down the spread of fire. (Fire propagates through its flames.) Likewise, it is known for its thermal insulation properties.

The ready mix concrete absorbs heat during the day and returns it in the cool of the night which makes it the ideal material for building comfortable homes. Ready mix is also a sound insulator. Well-built ready mix concrete structures allow very good sound insulation levels.

Plasticity of shape

Concrete is versatile because people can create complex and curved shapes more efficiently compared to other materials. It is also flexible because the concrete is highly adaptable to the specific needs of different worksites and their current projects.

It is also used capitalizing in their production of a variety of colors, many patterns and surface textures. The combination of these qualities can make spectacular effects. These are mostly used fro designing things (mostly residential houses) and community beautification projects.

The concrete also meets a great variety of needs in terms of technical sophistication, ease of use, assembly and design. Mostly, these are the result of several different aggregates at the production plant sites.


These days, convenience plays a big part in the demand for premix. First, they can be taken straight from the plant themselves or the concrete can be delivered straight to worksites by concrete mixer trucks.

Typically, the pace of deliveries can be adapted to the customer’s needs and can change it from one hour to day to the next, depending on the demand and pace within the worksite.  

Friday 14 June 2019

Concrete Suppliers – Avoiding Problems and Snags

In a senseBrisbane concrete suppliers can be likened to the construction owners, their counterpart in the construction industry. Like any other projects, one cannot discount the importance of meetings at the start of the undertaking, both for the owners and the suppliers.

There are many pertinent things that need to be threshed out, agreed-upon and discussed with regards to the ordering of the concrete mix all the way to the delivery of the same.

There are items like customer names, the order placements, the quantity, the concrete itself and the mix type. Included are access and directions, truck positioning, special delivery instructions (if there are), slumps, hazards, mode of payments and others that need to be4 threshed out in details.

Meetings (pre-pour)

Involving the prime contractor, the concrete sub-contractor and the supplier, this meeting is usually conducted with 30 minutes. With the meeting, more issues might crop up. The suppliers must also be included here.

The 3 parties of the concreting project must meet prior to the start of anything all the way to the actual pouring of the concrete. At the job site, the prime contractor and the sub contractor usually meet regarding schedules and such. It is important that the supplier must be included in these meetings.


Many problems will be discussed on these 3-side meetings, and must be agreed by all three. Mostly overlooked questions include slump, truck access, production (length of yards/hours) hazards on site lighting (for night pours) and who decides adjustments to loads (if ever).

Things considered trivial (addresses, location directions) can turn into big issues once the pour
Established businesses and houses might be easy to locate, but new housing projects, business expansions, or rural locations might be difficult to find especially at night.

Many issues can be resolved during these meetings especially if the parties are familiar with the things to discuss. Like what everyone wants, all three want to have the pours placed fast, smooth, and without injury or issues.


There are a load of issues which include rejected loads, low breaks, replacing the concrete, the loss of production hours because trucks could not find the site’s location. Cancelling too late to a scheduled pour can all lead to rise in costs.

No one would want to incur such costs. This increases the overall expenses in doing the business. With a smoothed-out meeting, costs are kept low, schedules are on time, and there is no stress on all parties concerned.

Check list

There are available check lists regarding the concrete project.  The list is a good guide for anybody to go over before ordering concrete. Since most of the perennial problems are discussed lengthily, problems are reduced to its barest.

One very important consideration that everyone should recognize is that concrete is a perishable good, and once it is batched, must be put in place (poured) within a set time, or the construction costs will rise.

A pre-pour meeting is always the first priority and it should always involve the Brisbane concrete suppliers, whether the project is small (driveways, backyards, etc.) or big time.