Friday 14 June 2019

Concrete Suppliers – Avoiding Problems and Snags

In a senseBrisbane concrete suppliers can be likened to the construction owners, their counterpart in the construction industry. Like any other projects, one cannot discount the importance of meetings at the start of the undertaking, both for the owners and the suppliers.

There are many pertinent things that need to be threshed out, agreed-upon and discussed with regards to the ordering of the concrete mix all the way to the delivery of the same.

There are items like customer names, the order placements, the quantity, the concrete itself and the mix type. Included are access and directions, truck positioning, special delivery instructions (if there are), slumps, hazards, mode of payments and others that need to be4 threshed out in details.

Meetings (pre-pour)

Involving the prime contractor, the concrete sub-contractor and the supplier, this meeting is usually conducted with 30 minutes. With the meeting, more issues might crop up. The suppliers must also be included here.

The 3 parties of the concreting project must meet prior to the start of anything all the way to the actual pouring of the concrete. At the job site, the prime contractor and the sub contractor usually meet regarding schedules and such. It is important that the supplier must be included in these meetings.


Many problems will be discussed on these 3-side meetings, and must be agreed by all three. Mostly overlooked questions include slump, truck access, production (length of yards/hours) hazards on site lighting (for night pours) and who decides adjustments to loads (if ever).

Things considered trivial (addresses, location directions) can turn into big issues once the pour
Established businesses and houses might be easy to locate, but new housing projects, business expansions, or rural locations might be difficult to find especially at night.

Many issues can be resolved during these meetings especially if the parties are familiar with the things to discuss. Like what everyone wants, all three want to have the pours placed fast, smooth, and without injury or issues.


There are a load of issues which include rejected loads, low breaks, replacing the concrete, the loss of production hours because trucks could not find the site’s location. Cancelling too late to a scheduled pour can all lead to rise in costs.

No one would want to incur such costs. This increases the overall expenses in doing the business. With a smoothed-out meeting, costs are kept low, schedules are on time, and there is no stress on all parties concerned.

Check list

There are available check lists regarding the concrete project.  The list is a good guide for anybody to go over before ordering concrete. Since most of the perennial problems are discussed lengthily, problems are reduced to its barest.

One very important consideration that everyone should recognize is that concrete is a perishable good, and once it is batched, must be put in place (poured) within a set time, or the construction costs will rise.

A pre-pour meeting is always the first priority and it should always involve the Brisbane concrete suppliers, whether the project is small (driveways, backyards, etc.) or big time.

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