Wednesday 18 November 2020

Steel Bar


A steel bar, also known as rebar, are used to reinforce and provide additional strength to concrete structures or other types of construction materials. Steel bar is used to add additional stiffening and durability to prevent concrete structures from cracking or shearing.  A steel bar added to a concrete structure helps it to absorb stresses from structural tension and vibrations, and prevents it from weakening because of cracks. A steel bar also distributes the tension and stresses associated with the expansion and contraction of concrete that can cause a weakening in an entire structure because of fluctuating temperatures.

A steel bar allows concrete structures to can last for a very long time. While concrete has a very high resistance to compression and the tensile strength of steel is very good, combining the two produces very strong concrete structures that can withstand constant stresses throughout its working life. Steel bar and concrete when combined allow the concrete to withstand tension that can lead to cracks and weakening of the structure. Complete embedding of a steel bar in concrete is a must to prevent contact with water and moisture that can rust and weaken a steel bar which can weaken the concrete. There are also epoxy-coated steel bars that protect it from rusting and weakening a concrete structure.

A steel bar incorporated into concrete allows structures to resist the high tensile and shear forces which may occur throughout its useful life. Steel bar reinforcement carries the tensile and compressive stresses in a concrete structure to eliminate or control structural cracks that may form. Steel bar, because of its chief strength, is an indispensable part of any construction project.

The strength of a steel bar in tension and compression makes it much stronger than the concrete itself, giving exceptional strength to concrete structures. A combination of concrete and steel is called reinforced concrete. Steel bars are strong in tension but ductile enough to flex, the very flexibility and the bendability properties of steel bars allow concrete structures to withstand abnormal loads easily.

To compensate for the relative weakness of concrete under tension, reinforcement steel bars are used to carry the tensile loads on a concrete structure. It is recognized that concrete has low tensile strength and can easily crack of fracture under tension, hence the reason for using steel bars for the high tension resistance properties it can impart into any concrete structure.

The primary aim of adding a steel bar to concrete is to guarantee a concrete structure’s long-term strength and durability. Steel bars allow concrete structures to resist high compression stresses. Steel bar reinforcement gives any concrete structure flexibility, stability, and durability. When steel bar and concrete are joined, a stronger structure can be constructed that can withstand continuous adverse induced forces in its entire useful life.

Steel bar reinforcement more than offset its drawbacks of rusting and corroding because of the long-term strength and durability that it can impart on a concrete structure. Steel bar reinforcement is long-lasting and combined with concrete it does not easily lose strength over time allowing concrete structures worry-free, long useful lifespans.

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